Название: AI-First Healthcare (2021)

AI-First Healthcare (2021)

Author: Kerrie L. Holley and Siupo Becker, M.D.
Year: 2021
Publisher: O’Reilly Media
ISBN 978-1-492-06315-5
Pages: 222
Language: Eng
Format: PDF
Size: 7 Mb

Content: The number of books describing artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and the full constellation of AI technologies could fill a library. Coupled with the ever-growing list of articles, videos, and blogs, there is no lack of content.

Clinicians, computer scientists, technologists, physicians, philosophers, and journalists each tackle different AI issues and challenges. However, we couldn’t find a book that discussed AI from a medical doctor and a tech‐ nologist’s paired perspectives.

This is a book that tracks the journey of a physician and a technologist working together, discussing AI’s opportunity while explaining AI for the consumption of a clinician, an IT worker, a user, an executive, or a business stakeholder.

Our goal is for you to understand the possibilities for improvements in healthcare supercharged by artificial intelligence.

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