Название: Modernizing Enterprise Java (2022)

Modernizing Enterprise Java (2022)

Author: Markus Eisele and Natale Vinto
Year: 2022
Publisher: O’Reilly Media
ISBN 978-1-098-12156-3
Pages: 240
Language: Eng
Format: PDF
Size: 4 Mb

Content: While containers, microservices, and distributed systems dominate discussions in the tech world, the majority of applications in use today still run monolithic architectures that follow traditional development processes.

This practical book helps developers examine long-established Java-based models and demonstrates how to bring these monolithic applications successfully into the future.

Relying on their years of experience modernizing applications, authors Markus Eisele and Natale Vinto walk you through the steps necessary to update your organization’s Java applications.

You’ll discover how to dismantle your monolithic application and move to an up-to-date software stack that works across cloud and on-premises installations.

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